How often have you told yourself that you should print those photos from that photo session you did? Maybe make an album, get some framed prints on the wall, a canvas perhaps? It'll be cheaper to do it yourself, so you'll do it someday....... how long ago was that?
I totally get it. I am the worst. I REALLY need to print and make albums etc. etc. of my kids and family....... it's out of control......and now it's a mammoth task that is daunting to even start to tackle.....
The only proper album I have is the one made by the photographer I had my maternity photos taken by. And it's awesome that I don't have to worry about ticking that off the list. It's done. Did it cost more than if I did it myself? Yup. Was it worth paying extra for someone else to to if for me? Yup. Why? Because it's done, it takes that burden off me. I don't need to worry if my hard drive fails or I manage to lose my digitals (so easily done, even easier than you may imagine) and I get to enjoy the album with my kids. They love looking through photo albums. It is so fascinating for them, so many questions......
I absolutely offer the service of a personally designed, high quality, beautiful album or book. I use Queensberry, an NZ company making amazing printed things..... things that will last and stand the test of time. It is worth the investment.
Have a look at one of the recent Q Books I made for a client. SO gorgeous.
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